Suyaṁ me āusaṁ !


Suyaṁ me Āūsaṁ is collection excerpts from āgamika texts like Ācārāṅgasūtra, Sūtrakṛtāṅgasūtra, Bhagavatīsūtra, Uttarādhyayana, etc. There are four sections. Section 1 contains life stories of sādhakas who lived 2500 years ago. It contains excerpts from Bhagavatīsūtra. Section 2 deals with tales told by Mahāvīrasvāmī in the form of illustration to preach the laymen. It is an excerpt from Jñātādharmakathā. Section 3 contains dictions from various sources. Section 4 discusses the principles and philosophy of Jaina School of Philosophy.



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