Shrut Ratnakar


Study of scriptures help us achieve spiritual growth. Preachings of Tirthamkaras have been compiled in 45 Aagams by Gandharas. Then successive Aacharyas and Upadhyayas wrote many Niryukti, Bhaashya, Tika, Churni etc. Later on, other Aacharyas authored Jain Literature on various subjects like Philosophy, Geography, Astronomy, Astrology, Architecture (Vaastuvidya) in different forms viz. Epic, Charitra, Raas, Stotra, Sutra etc., in Sanskrit and Prakrit languages.

Since the fifth century A.D. literature was hand-written in the then Indian scripts like Brahmi, Naagari etc. Because of extraordinary reverence for knowledge, Jains have protected hand-written Pothis. Today our libraries, Granthbhandaras have such innumerable pothis.

This heritage of our ancient Indian literature is invaluable. It contains vast treasure of knowledge. The study of this literature not only expands horizons of our knowledge but also makes our efforts for eternal, permanent happiness more auspicious and fruitful. The secrets included in these pothis  can very effectively guide our society. Hence, continuous study of these pothis very much essential and inevitable.

Scholars of the twentieth century dedicated their lives  to the study of this extraordinary, invaluable, unique ancient literature and developed the skill to unravel ancient Indian scripts. They read and comprehended many manuscripts. They edited these manuscripts with a neutral and unbiased viewpoint.

In present times, the people are after Science and Technology. Today we are impressed by inventions of Modern science. But the inventions of modern science are already stored in our ancient literature  as mysteries. It is only a question of interpreting these mysteries.

Today, the traditions of learning-teaching and editing-research are on the verge of disappearance. Continuous study of scriptures is not endured these days. So the first necessity of the time is to make the modern society aware of the invaluable heritage stored as pothis in our GranthBhandar. We will have to facilitate students for learning ancient Indian Scripts and such for editing and research of manuscripts.


To re-establish the tradition of continuous learning of scriptures it is necessary to organize short term courses and explain the importance of Jain literature to smart youth. One of the aims of Shrut Ratnakar organizing programs, is to stimulate keen desire for studying rare granths as well as for editing and research of the pothis. Shrut Ratnakar also intends to organize programs for spreading Basic Jain Principles viz. Non-violence, Non-possession and Anekantvaad.


Shrut Ratnakar was established in 2000 A.D. with two objectives–

1. Training of Ancient Indian Scripts and Continuous study of Ancient Literature, especially Jain literature from an unbiased viewpoint and 
2. Spreading basic Jain principles for the betterment of the society in general. 

Prof. Jitendra B. Shah has conceived basic concepts and various programs of the trust.


Shrut Ratnakar has been organizing various programs of learning scripts, research and editing of ancient granths to achieve aforementioned aims.

“Tattvadhigamsutra”, authored by Vaachakvarya Umaswati is one of the main Granth of Jainism and is accepted by all unanimously. Shrut Ratnakar has been jointly organising ten-day workshops to study this Shastra for the last seven years.

“Upamiti Bhava prapancha katha” written by Siddharshigani in the ninth century is the first metaphor of the world. The main story and inner stories have about 2200 to 2400 characters. This story about “Jiva” which starts its journey from “Nigod” to “Moksha” is explained in detail with a powerpoint presentation. This helps understand consequences  of five senses, anger, pride, illusion and greed-four “kashayas”, and meaning of avirati, tyag, vairagya, dhyan, vishayvaasana etc. 

Shrut Ratnakar has also been active in organising programmes to teach Granthas /subjects like “Samkitna Sadsadh Bol, Jain Aachar, Kayotsarga.”

Because of the neutral approach of Shrut Ratnakar, a number of Saadhu-Saadhvi Bhagvantas and members of all communities of Jains participate/ remain present in these programmes. The feedback forms show that many participants have not only benefited from these programmes but their lives have also taken a turn for the better. 

In Eastern religions, especially in Jainism, there is importance of developing “Samkit” by getting rid of attachment “Raag”, enmity “Dvesh” and killing of  life “Jivahinsa”. Shrut Ratnakar has been organising Three-day workshops to help people understand “Samkit” as described in Shastras, in various cities of India.

Since 2000 A.D. Shrut Ratnakar, as publisher and co-publisher, has been reprinting rare Granths so as to make them available easily and to enhance research and editing. The trust has also prepared 6 CD/DVDs with a view to help them listen to certain programmes as and when convenient.


Thus, Shrut Ratnakar is actively organizing following programmes to achieve its objectives:

1. Research projects
2. Book Publication
3. Seminars & Workshops

1-Day Shibir
3-Day Shibir
8- Day Shibir
10-Day Shibir
Local Seminar
National Seminars
International Seminars


You are invited to participate in these programs as per your capacity and wish. Contact us for more information.

Trust Reg.No. E/12294(Ahmedabad). As per IT act 1961 section 80 G Certificate no. AACTS2576BF20212. To Donate, CLICK HERE.

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